2016年2月29日 星期一

[國外旅遊]行前準備-華盛頓特區(Washington, D.C.)參訪事宜[白宮.國會山莊.五角大廈.印鈔廠]

一.白宮 https://www.whitehouse.gov/
Public tour requests must be submitted through one's Member of Congress.  These self-guided tours are available from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Tuesday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays (excluding federal holidays or unless otherwise noted).  Tour hours will be extended when possible based on the official White House schedule. Tours are scheduled on a first come, first served basis. Requests can be submitted up to six months in advance and no less than 21 days in advance. You are encouraged to submit your request as early as possible as a limited number of spaces are available. All White House tours are free of charge.  (Please note that White House tours may be subject to last minute cancellation.)

If you wish to visit the White House and are a citizen of a foreign country, please contact your embassy in Washington, DC for assistance in submitting a tour request.

另外,史密斯松寧協會(Smithsonian Institution)在華府有13個博物館及1個動物園,對外皆不收取門票費用,建議您多加利用。
(updated: 12/06/2013)

既然透過申請方式不行,就只剩公開的參觀,白宮1972年尼克森起,每年都會有White House Garden Tours (Spring & Fall),可以參觀Jacqueline Kennedy Garden, Rose Garden, Children's Garden and South Lawn of the White House,欲參觀是需要索票的,必須在參觀當天於Ellipse Visitor Pavilion(15th and E Streets)索取,9點準時發放

除了白宮外面拍拍照外,還可以參觀White House Visitor Center(1450 Pennsylvania Ave. NW)
Open from 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. daily



二.國會山莊 The U.S. Capitol Building
Tours of the historic U.S. Capitol building are free, but require tickets which are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. The hours are 8:45 a.m - 3:30 p.m. Monday - Saturday

一些其他細節可參考 http://dc.about.com/cs/walkingtours/a/Capitol.htm


三.五角大廈 Pentagon
Tours are conducted Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Reservations must be booked from 14 to 90 days in advance

一些其他細節可參考 http://dc.about.com/od/governmentbuildings/a/Pentagon-Tours.htm


四.印鈔廠 Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Tours last about 30 minutes and are offered every 15 minutes, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The facility is closed on weekends, federal holidays
From April through August hours are extended from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.

March through August - Free tickets are required for all tours during the peak season

Tickets are distributed on a first-come, first-served basis at Raoul Wallenberg Place (formerly 15th Street). Tickets are not available in advance. The Ticket Booth opens at 8:00 a.m. - Monday through Friday. This is a very popular attraction and lines form early. All of the tickets are usually gone by 9:00 a.m., so if you want to visit the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, you must plan ahead.

September through February - No tickets are required. You may line up at the Visitors’ Entrance on 14th Street.

結論:9月到2月可以直接排隊入場,其他月份就要到Raoul Wallenberg Place (formerly 15th Street)領取票券,8點開放領取,通常九點前會發完

一些其他細節可參考 http://dc.about.com/od/museums/a/BEP.htm

