Compile程式的時候出現錯誤訊息 frm-40734 internal pl/sql error
Try doing a Ctrl-Shft-K (compile all) and then a Ctrl-T (Generate) of your form. If this doesn't work. Try closing your Form Builder, opening it again but making sure that there are no object libraries or PLLs being opened automatically. Sign-on to your database, open the form, drop the pll, save and close the form and builder. Delete the plx file. Open the builder, open the form, attach the library, then Ctrl-Shft-k and Ctrl-T, save and close the form. Run it. If it still fails, close the Form Builder, open it again, sign-on, open the d2kwutil library, Ctrl-Shft-K the library, save and close it. Open the form, drop the library, reattach it, Ctrl-Shft-K, Ctrl-T.
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